Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Monday to Ya!

So, we are enjoying some monday madness around here.  I am trying every so diligently to stay on task for getting the laundry done, but my crowded closests/bedroom/storage room/childrens room are oh so calling to me today.  I just keep trying to go back there and declutter the clutter, and re-organize what I just can't seem to get rid of. So, yes definitley monday madness around here, because as you can only imagine - my 3 boys are only making my organizing madness grow into even bigger madness,  from me trying to think about how to declutter and also playing 20 questions with Thaddeus, or helping Tristen with whatever it is Tristen needs help with ;), or chasing Ethan around the house.
Okay, well snack is done and it is all starting again, and since I now have no idea what it was I was even leading to anymore I will let you continue to enjoy your Monday and hope that you are enjoying some madness with us ;).

Oh, I did want to share with you some pics from the other day...... some good ol' overalls for my little farmer ;)

He says he is going to where them to Papa Joe's Farm

And since, I was taking pics Big Brother wanted in on the action too
He/they are jumping on the couch in case you could tell, sorry for the blurred pics i still like them but i am still learning my camera and i sometimes don't have it set quite right.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Potty Time

I Just wanted to share with everyone this photo -  
Okay this is totally what was going on while I was going to the bathroom - during my Potty Time ;)
Adorable right?!!

..... By the way, I totally had them redo this after I was done so I could get the camera, just thought you should know that.......

Also, I am still working out the kincks in my camera - user errors going on - this will explain any blurring action going on

Our Bedroom

Happy Wednesday to everyone!  I hope that you all are having a very blessed week, or that you start having one now ;).

Right now I just wanted to share a few blog finds that interests me.
One has to do with bedrooms.  Our bedroom is a disaster most of the time.  If it is 'picked up' it really still looks like a disaster.  Our bedroom is the catch all for the house, it is the second storage room, it is the last room i even think about organizing - that is until Danny and I are tripping over all the piles of things that are getting stored in there for the moment.  At any rate, this girl has a great idea and advice for your bedroom - Keep Your Bedroom All About You ( I mean that in the couple sense of it, me and Danny)'s funny i ran into her blog about her bedroom from a trail from another blog, but I have actually had a friend recommend her blog before for the thrifty ideas and photo ideas/advice....
So, what do ya think?

The other think I found lately of interest is about baking bread on the grill.  I find it very interesting and hope someday to try it, so that when i bake bread in the summer months my house isn't even hotter.  At any rate you need cast iron skillets- which we don't have, but really want especially Danny.  And her advice is for a gas grill - so i kinda would also like to start on that and then go from there ;)
Doesn't it look yummy.....

Okay, gotta go now, the boys are all stirring and ready to start another wonderful Wednesday!

Talk to you all soon! Love ya!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Seven Hollows Trail

The other day we took to boys hiking up at, you guessed it, Petit Jean.  I know that is almost always were we take the 'are we going to Petit Jean!'.  We might even take them this Friday too.  I will tell you about that outing later.
there is lizard in this picture - can ya find it?, took the boys a while to see..

 For this one, we decided to take the boys on the Seven Hollows Trail trail, figuring that we might at least make it to the natural bridge.  Well, when we finally made it up there we were all hungry and so we hurried to the bridge area to eat our picnic.  Rush in......told the boys we would be enjoy the scenery after our picnic.

water break
 Then, while eating we noticed a lot of smoke further down the trail some ways.  And another hiker, came by saying there were three spots smoking so maybe we might make our way back, because she and her husband couldn't tell if a fire was starting, but that she was rushing back to get signal and call the ranger.

Our Picnic

nice cool rock - love it!

 So, of course, we packed up and hi-tailed it outa there - well, as best you can hi-tail it with three youngsters right after they have eaten.  So, rushed out.......not a whole lot of enjoying the hike this go around, but definitely an exciting tale to tell. ;)

not sure....
extremely thirsty

hopefully, we will one day return to finish the trail ;)
the end